Wednesday, 30 May 2018

New Eve Selection for Amani Harmonic Foundation

A portion of Eves created as fund raisers for the Amani Harmonic Foundation -

Affirmation Labyrinth

Saddened by the results of the presidential elections in November of 2016 I contacted my friends, students and colleagues to collect words of affirmation in as many languages possible.  I used these words to form the basis of a labyrinth, a path of positivity to create balance.
The words are burned into my studio floor and are a reminder of the good things and people I have encountered in my life. 

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Ramsgate New Years Day Spiral

It was impossible weather - seas high winds howling but Peter and I ventured out on a nearly deserted January 1st Ramsgate beach.  Here we mad a huge and surprisingly accurate spiral.  This picture was taken about 500 ft above the spiral.  There was something majestic and simple about starting the year with a new path and spiral, as it happened, a prophetic symbol for what was to become a major event in my experience - a subdural haematoma.   
It was also my New Years card for 2017

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

100 Mile Dance

Frost Drawing, Dec 28 2016

 This was a 'frost drawing' I created late in 2016 which became a 100 Mile Dance and the centrepiece for an exhibition in June of 2017.
The impromptu drawing fit magically into my garden winding around my pond and creating with its own unique character - I over the next few days I  began dancing around the spiral and by Spring of 2017 I had created a lovely spiral dance path.  I loved dancing a mile a day around the garden.  It was a meditative and enjoyable work.  I watched the seasons changes, certainly amused my neighbours as I gyrated silently attached to my headphones and many desperate genres of music and movement.
Best fun ever.
100 Mile Dance  May 2017

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Watamu Spiral

The Watamu Spiral was the first of a long and continuing journey.  I was invited to Local Ocean Trust, an oceanographic centre and turtle sanctuary in Watamu, Kenya.  Here I had the privilege of being invited to create a prototype for a sculpture to illustrate the poignancy of the ocean and specifically the turtle's plight.  As the spiral symbolises learning or the path to knowledge it was an appropriate image to confront the myriad concerns for ocean and turtle conservation. The spiral is made of illegally killed turtle shells. I hope one day, to complete the installation by creating a permanent piece for the sanctuary,  For additional information on the sanctuary please go to: 


Portea Spiral

This was probably the shortest time in the making and, for me, the most successful of my series of 10 spirals - It was created about 6:30 in a dew laden September Tuesday.
Lyrical portea and yellow petals.  

Pottery Shards Spiral

Sourcing these ceramic fragments in the depths of South Africa was an anomaly.  I hadn't expected to find Victorian and Art Deco shards in the gravel roads in Port Arthur - a learning experience.

Jigsaw Spiral -

Frustrated by inclement weather I sought new material for spiral inspiration - this 'Annunciation ' was a visual narrative - the spiral symbolically representing learning the annunciation seemed a good source material.
Completed as 4th in the series at St Frances

Heart Spiral on Rock Alter

This 'Heart Alter' is one of the 10 day series made at St Francis'
The rocks had a primeval aura and adorning them with heart spirals seemed most fitting.  This 'Heart Alter' is one of the 10 day series made at St Francis' This is two of three.  I watched the rain and wind influence the designs and left the hearts to adorn the environment any way they found their place.  It was lovely witnessing the evolution which occurred through natural causes

Monday, 7 May 2018

Spirals - Stories of Rain

Made near Port Arthur, this large transient Golden Oak leaf spiral was the first in a series created over 10 days in a wonderful natural retreat called St. Francis.
The spiral existed for a short few hours but was a powerful and beautiful symbol for its short life.

Sept 8, 2016     

Sept 9, 2016

Spirals - Stories of Rain - South Africa Summer 2016

Stories of Rain was an exciting adventure in Plettenburg, and Port Arthur South Africa.
Here with the support and sponsorship of Ebeneser Farm and friends in Port Arthur I was able to create large and delicate works inspired by spirals and my on-going interest in ancient figures.
This 'Eve' is a path which as a spiral represents the journey from inexperience to understanding.

Size  30x12 ft.
Material local white stone